
Jaq Havoq

Freedom through rhythm and flow.

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Jaq Havoq didn’t truly fall in love with music until he was 17 years old. Almost every night after work he would find a lookout, turn up his music, and just sit there for hours.
His goal was to take in every word. He became obsessed with an artist’s ability to tell intricate stories with rhythm and flow. He fell in love with trying to figure out difficult metaphors and underlying messages. He became addicted to the way music connected him to a person he’d never met. The way a song could bring up emotions he hadn’t felt, and memories he’d forgotten. When he realized the impact music could have on his own life, he knew he wanted to try and have that same impact on other people’s lives. So he decided to start writing his own songs, and never looked back.
That’s not to say his relationship with music hasn’t had it’s hardships though. For many years he faced severe internal conflict between the path he’d been told was the right one, and the one the world considered unrealistic and foolish. He knew his passion and heart was in music, but the rest of the world kept telling him there was no future for him down that road. Uncertain and discouraged, he attended and eventually graduated from university. His hard work provided him the skills to land a prestigious job at a multi-billion dollar corporation until one day he sat at his desk and thought to himself, “This is it? This is what I’ve been working towards?” After all he’d accomplished you’d think he would have been happy, but he wasn’t. After spending all that time checking items off the imaginary list of things everyone told him he needed, he was left feeling empty. He knew there had to be more to life, but what was it? He realized the most important thing was doing whatever it takes to make the thing you love, the thing you do every day. Music was the only thing that could bring him that kind of happiness. From that moment on he decided to dedicate all his energy towards making his dream of being a world renown musician a reality.
His passion and dedication has resulted in the loss of countless relationships from his friends, to women he’s loved. Music means everything to him, and for most, it’s impossible to compete for his time and affection. Instead of always dwelling on the things he’s lost, he uses them as a source of inspiration in his work. He understands that greatness comes with sacrifice, and that one day he’ll think back and remember that day at his desk, and realize that was the best thing that ever happened to him. 


He grew up in Vernon BC, Canada, but has lived in Vancouver BC for the last 5 years. Before moving to Vancovuer he treated music more like a hobby, but realized it needed to be everything he lived and breathed to have a chance to make an impact.